Our Services

We believe that all kids can flourish with high-quality care, a comfortable environment, and flexible scheduling for families.

Two women smiling and holding a laughing child

Foster Care Support

Seedling Pediatric Therapies will provide therapy services to children within the foster care community and to their parents. These children have experienced multiple adverse childhood events (ACEs) in their short lives. We have learned through research that as the number of ACEs increases so does the risk for chronic health problems, mental illness, poor education outcomes, and substance use in adulthood. Every child can be the blooming lotus persevering through the mud and murkiness of their environment. 

We have firsthand knowledge of the secondary trauma that foster parents experience including: compassion fatigue, second-hand PTSD, and parental shaming through criticizing and undermining the confidence. Seedling Pediatric Therapies provides support to the root of the sprouting child by improving the sustainability of the placement home and encompassing the foster parent in love and compassion. 

Seedling Pediatric Therapies will come into the home to make real, tangible changes to the root environment, will make community connections, will contact schools or daycares to improve educator knowledge of trauma-informed care, and provide treatment to the child to cultivate age appropriate development. 

We are actively working to accept Medicaid and are open to donations for scholarships for these children and their families - please see our tab above regarding how you can offer financial support.

School-Based Services

We partner with preschools, private schools, and homeschool co-ops to provide valuable educational, sensory, and social-emotional support through therapeutic sessions. We understand that because a child may not meet state-funded criteria, it doesn’t mean they don’t deserve the opportunity to enhance skills to support and foster their strengths. Our lead therapist has experience working in the public school system, virtual school teletherapy, first steps, and private clinics. These experiences empower our pursuit of providing quality-based individual and group therapy sessions for the best child outcomes.

We have partnered with Operation Breakthrough, a local non-profit that excels in providing a safe, loving and educational environment for children in poverty and empowers their families through advocacy, emergency aid and education. Currently we serve preschool classes, at no cost to families, focusing on kindergarten readiness skills addressing fine motor, visual motor, gross motor, executive functioning, self-regulation, social skills, and group participation.

With this passion, we would love to partner with more pre-schools, private schools, and homeschool co-ops to bring the positive impact of occupational therapy and reduce barriers to access that families may currently experience. We are actively working to accept Medicaid and are open to donations for scholarships for these children and their families.

To receive more information contact us at info@seedlingtherapies.com

Three young kids hugging and smiling


Seedling Co-op is a response to a calling to provide a space in which children who are neurodiverse and have developmental differences can learn, play, build friendships, and have engaging outings that are accessible and accommodating for them. In addition, this co-op will allow parents to connect and receive support and validation from other parents going through similar experiences in raising their children. We feel strongly that providing emotional support and understanding to parents will have a profound impact on our collective abilities to accommodate our children. 

We plan to provide a community based, bi-weekly co-op to allow children to learn, create, stim, build friendships, and explore different environments that have been developed to be accessible and engaging for differing support needs. We look forward to watching friendships blossom and grow, as well as have parents experience the relief of accessible opportunities to provide life experiences to our children together.  

Seedling co-op is open to actively engaged homeschooling families, having at least one child developmentally at the Pre-K or Kindergarten range.  We will meet every other Thursday and Friday with one semester being March- June and the second semester being August - November for 2024. 

This co-op includes organized every other-week outings on Friday, Occupational Therapy semi-structured groups every other Thursday, and a monthly parent support group. We offer additional one-on-one parent consulting as well. 

To receive more information and submit an interest application, please email info@seedlingtherapies.com

Young boy doing coloring activities with an adult

Direct Therapy Services

We currently provide direct occupational therapy to children within Johnson County and Kansas City locations near state line.

We are available for clinic visits as needed but prefer to work with children in their daily environments.

We have chosen to be out of network with private insurance. We have a streamlined process for receiving therapy without having to submit superbills and wait weeks to be reimbursed by your insurance provider. We handle all of that for you, so all you have to pay is your co-insurance rate once deductibles are met. We also accept payments via health savings and private pay.

We believe in pricing transparency

Below is an outline of some of the most common rates for therapy.

  • Therapy Screenings: $35

  • Initial Evaluation during a 1 hour session that includes standardized assessments, observations, questionnaires, goal development, and a parent/teacher meeting: $275

    • If more time is needed, an additional $50 will be charged for 30 minutes and $100 for 1 hour.

  • 1 Hour Treatment Session: $150

    • If seeing multiple children in the same location, a discount of $15 will be applied for that session.

  • Caregiver Meetings as needed for 30 minutes: $50

  • Attending IEP and other meetings up to one hour: $75

  • Teletherapy Sessions: $75 for 30 minutes, $150 for 1 hour.

Cultivating children sprouting into maturity